why I hate my friends

Being a teenager is hard. While you have to deal with your final years of high school you simultaneously gotta maintain your social life where you sometimes have to deal with friends who don’t necessarily make your life easier.
Coincidentally that’s exactly why I hate mine. Being the lovely bunch they are the one thing that’s apparently on their mind is how to make my life even busier. Adding to my list of things I have to think of with the lovely reminder that I haven’t posted a blog post in absolutely ages. Now you might think ‘How nice, your friends can’t wait to read another one of your blog posts!’ but it’s not as lovely as it might sound as their only purpose is to add to my seemingly never ending list of things I have to maintain. Also how fabulous of them to keep on dragging me about my inability to keep up one blog on the internet as I seem to not be able to post a blog post in months.

So here’s to my friends (who I adore to bits, obviously, if you haven’t gotten the sarcastic undertone yet) for gently bullying me into typing this up. You’re the best.